-> In the dictionary, Ideology is a set of ideas that an economic or political system like Maxist. And It is a set of beliefs, especially one held by a particular group, that influences the way people behave. I think ideology is generally used for social integration, developing history, and making people invovle in politics .Many ideologies are in our life, and representive ideology is social democracy.
2. How does it affect media? & 3. Two examples
-> Actually, ideology affects media so much. Media can change the fact for its ideology and makes people think in the same way. For example, communism in North korea tells people that it is necessary and gap of poverty by democracy makes people into turmoil. Well, if you were a North korean, you would just get biased news. Of course, you couldn't watch any other news of overseas countries. Every program shows how GREAT Kim jung il is and obey him is natural. So these things infuse communist ideas to people! They justify their fault like nuclear bomb or threatening the World, and said "everything happens for setting up paradise under Kim jung il. It was unescapable."
This is a North korea news which indicates their stance about attack South korea ship, a.k.a "Yeonpyongdo attack". The news reader said "South Korea attacked our army first, So we just reacted. We are innocent." But actually, there's so many evidences of preemptive attack from N.Korea. But they never admit their fault and put the blame on S.Korea. So N.Koreans who watch this news, their dislikes for S.Korea is going to be gradually growing worse. The media hides the fact by using characteristic of communism, exclusive world.
And they draw hostile poster toward America. Because they are communists and America is based on democracy. N.korea has extreme communism.
Another example is Nazism. The book, <Ism ; philosophy and politics> by Min yong Park explains Nazism is a good example of how ideology affected media and made people stir up. After W.W. I, Germans suffered humiliations because they complete defeated. So Hitler with Nazis (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei. In English: National Socialist German Workers' Party) used all kinds of media such as radio, poster, newspaper and so on. This is a Hitler's speech. Actually, many people who attended his speech or read a article about it were really impressed and wanted to join Nazi. So Nazi had many supporters and can got more bigger.
And Nazi made posters and article about fascism. Of course it affected many Germans so they participated W.W.2. They insisted German is vastly superior, therefore no one won't against them (Ethnocentrism). Also they spreaded anti-Semitism (Antisemitismus). Because Nazism represents antidemocracy, illiberalism, anti-capitalist ideas. So these thing made people to admitted Jewish abuse. Eventually, these things brought about holocaust.